People Who Went to Japan and Found They were Too Tall

Published on October 27, 2019

 A Pleasant Commute

Buses are another convenient and common form of public transportation in Japan. If this picture is anything to go by, it would seem that some of them are not especially suited to taller people- the man in the picture above apparently had to spend the whole of his bus ride contorted into that awkward position, just to be able to get to his destination.

Man on Highway Bus

Man on Highway Bus


Taking a picture together with friends while on holiday is often a nice way to commemorate the memories you share together. This group of friends attempted to do so, and the resulting image was rather humorous- the man in the photo, apparently much taller than average by Japanese standards, has had half his face cropped out. One hopes he is not overly sentimental!

Cropped Out

Cropped Out