People Who Went to Japan and Found They were Too Tall

Published on October 27, 2019


 You would be forgiven for thinking most of the problems associated with traveling to Japan as a tall person would be experienced in cities or, at the least, inside. This man managed to find what is presumably an ominous-looking sign, which is at the perfect height for him to concuss himself walking down the stairs. Perhaps it reads, ‘mind your head?’

Man by Green Warning Sign

Man by Green Warning Sign

It’s Not Just Men Who Have Tall Problems

Being that men tend to be taller than women, many of the pictures in this article have been of men’s experiences with being a little too tall in Japan. Clearly, however, this woman did not miss out on having that experience for herself during her trip to Japan, easily exceeding the height of the doorframe. The hallway also looks to be fairly narrow; this must have been quite a squeeze to navigate!

Tall Woman Standing Next to Door

Tall Woman Standing Next to Door