Mom Thinks She’s Having A Baby, Then Sees The Ultrasound

Published on February 7, 2022

Not an Option  

Despite the risk of complications in a pregnancy like Lauren’s, neither she nor David felt that ending some of the pregnancies early, in a procedure called ‘Selective Reduction,’ was a viable option. Speaking about their decision, Lauren said “seeing your six babies and seeing there’s a heartbeat and there’s no sign of any problems, so you know, how do you choose?” Once the Perkins decided that Lauren would not go through with selective reduction, she had the full support of her medical team behind her.

Laura Perkins Selfie

Laura Perkins Selfie

A Goal In Sight

When Lauren informed her doctors that she intended to try to carry all the pregnancies to term, he was surprised, but determined, and promised to do everything he could to help them get to 28 weeks. Lauren and David’s community and family stepped up during the pregnancy to help them as much as possible, which the couple have said was invaluable in helping them get through the process and subsequent delivery.

Lauren Towards The End Of Her Pregnancy

Lauren Towards The End Of Her Pregnancy