Mom Thinks She’s Having A Baby, Then Sees The Ultrasound

Published on February 7, 2022

A Tiring Period

From the very beginning, Lauren knew that her delivery would be premature, and that her newborns would need to be placed straight into the NICU, as there were just too many to carry to term. She then had to do everything she could to prolong her pregnancy. She had a cerclage placed at 14 weeks, and left her work at 17 weeks pregnant. Despite usually being an active person, Lauren was so tired that, during her pregnancy, she spent most of her time sleeping and resting.

Lauren Perkins During Her Pregnancy

Lauren Perkins During Her Pregnancy

A Bump in the Road

 Despite some uncomfortable symptoms towards the end of her pregnancy, like rashes and tiredness, Lauren made it to 28 weeks without any significant complications. However, by week 29, doctors discovered that Lauren’s blood pressure was abnormal, and that one of the babies was not doing well. Lauren was immediately admitted to the hospital after this appointment, and kept stable over the weekend, when she made it to 30 weeks.

A Hospital Bed

A Hospital Bed