Mom Thinks She’s Having A Baby, Then Sees The Ultrasound

Published on February 7, 2022

The Big Day Arrives

At 30 weeks pregnant, and with 35 staff gathered in the delivery room to assist in the process, Lauren delivered all 6 of her babies within 4 minutes by Cesarean Section. Lauren and David named their children Andrew Noah, Caroline Grace, Benjamin Luke, Levi Thomas, Leah Michelle, and Allison Kate. All were born weighing between 1-2 lbs. Lauren and David describe the shock of having six new children setting in during this period, but that the delivery was very quick and uncomplicated.

The Hospital Staff During Lauren's Cesarean

The Hospital Staff During Lauren’s Cesarean

Delivering Multiple Babies Can Be Risky

There are many potential risks associated with delivering multiple babies at once, let alone those born prematurely. These can include heart failure or poor blood supply in the infants, and this is part of the reason that each of the Perkins babies were taken immediately to the NICU upon being born. The staff were prepared well, and Lauren and David were reassured by their professionalism during this critical time.

Lauren Perkins Looks Towards One Of Her Newborns

Lauren Perkins Looks Towards One Of Her Newborns